Wood Pellet - the Harder, the Better?

In recent trial operation, many customers prefer biomass pellets with higher hardness and brighter appearance. Customers will unhappy if he got the insufficient in hardness & brightness of the pellets. 

However, Really the higher hardness gives you high quality biomass pellet?

Here show some key points for the good quality pellets.

1. Combustion Efficiency

Pellets with higher hardness are generally more compact, which provide stable heat and longer combustion time. However, too hard pellet may cause incomplete or uneven combustion, thus to affect the combustion efficiency.

2. Production Process

The granulation process of pellet is closely related to the hardness of the pellets. Moderate hardness can improve the density and calorific value of the pellets, but too high or too low hardness may affect the overall performance and marketing price of the pellets. Therefore, it is necessary to balance the compaction degree of the raw materials and the durability of the pellets during the production process.

3.Usage & Market

Produce the wood pellet for different market.

For example, different boilers and market may require different hardness to suit their respective combustion conditions.

In general, ideal biomass pellets should have moderate hardness and meet the various requirements in transportation, storage and application for ensuring combustion efficiency.